About us

Wopsy.com is the portal dedicated to training and professional development opportunities in psychology. It was born in 2018, and in just a few years has established itself in Italy as a training leader in the panorama of professional psychology and psychotherapy. With an international vocation, we collaborate and forge partnerships with international training realities and speakers from all over the world.

Through our seminars, conferences, live online events and recorded videos, we make our mark by presenting the cutting edge of thought and theory in order to deepen our understanding of the mind and demonstrate the connections between different schools of thought within the domain of psychology and psychotherapy.

Psicologia.io/Wopsy events are also designed for the well-being of the participants. With this in mind, we provide time and space for people to network, carefully prepared materials and many other resources.

Our aim is to create a friendly and safe learning community to support individuals and organisations in their clinical work and professional lives.

We recognise that although professional psychotherapists and other mental health professionals are expected to continue learning and developing skills throughout their careers, doing so in a meaningful way requires considerable commitment. We aim to provide our colleagues with skills and knowledge that lead to greater professional confidence, better work and an advantage in the field for our patients and clients.

The website allows you to have all your seminars, workshops, webinars, distance learning courses (FAD, distance learning or video courses) in one place.