Beyond Trauma

Has Clinical Practice been Reduced to “Psycho-Traumatology”?

International Online Meeting

Chairs: Susanna Federici, Gianni Francesetti, Michela Gecele, Gianni Nebbiosi


This conference is the outcome  of dialogue and collaboration between two training institutes—IPsiG and ISIPSÉ—that intend to promote engagement and debate between different clinical approaches that, while building on their own specificities, consider it crucial to engage with other approaches that share the same fundamental principles and are thus a source of mutual theoretical-clinical enrichment.

Thinking about trauma in clinical practice seems to be particularly significant today. The relevance of the concept of trauma has shifted widely over the history of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, from the central importance it held at the origin of the disciplines to then become a secondary construct for a long time. In recent decades, it has returned to the fore, becoming one of the most widely used hermeneutic references both for the understanding of psychopathology and for the conceptualisation of therapeutic processes. Its return to the forefront, however, arguably risks suffocating other visions, approaches, and working methodologies in the clinical sphere, oversimplifying the relationship between the complexity of life and psychic suffering.

The conference will explore the topic from a number of different perspectives—historical, cultural, psychopathological, clinical and considering the findings of recent Infant Research, with contributions from many international researchers and clinical practitioners, including Beatrice Beebe.


Through the conference we will explore various questions raised by this development:

  • What has prompted contemporary clinical thinking to place trauma in such a central position again?

  • Does this centrality derive from a more widespread traumatic condition (social, economic, political, climate, vision of the future) in which the contemporary world has come to find itself, or does it also depend on other underlying cultural and social forces, ways of decoding and defining experience, and visions of the human dimension that help shape the evolution of various psychotherapeutic approaches?

  • What are the advantages and what is the point of this development, considering that it risks becoming 'pan-traumatological'?

  • Are there clinical dimensions, both psychopathological and therapeutic, that the centrality of trauma risks neglecting or obscuring?

  • Can trauma in itself be considered a psychopathological event or does it somehow express the very condition of existence?

  • Is there any risk in considering only the traumatic dimension in clinical practice?

  • Does the traumatic vision tend to divide the world too radically into 'traumatisers' and 'traumatised', unwittingly promoting a dichotomous mindset that is disinclined to see the complexity of what lies in between?

  • What else should clinical practitioners consider besides the trauma history of the clients they work with?




Part 1

Welcome and opening remarks : Susanna Federici, Gianni Francesetti, Michela Gecele, Gianni Nebbiosi

Trauma in the History of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Keynote speaker: Paolo Migone

Discussant: Bernd Bocian

Questions & Answers


Trauma in Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Keynote speaker: Beatrice Beebe

Discussant: Lynne Jacobs

Questions & Answers


Panel of discussion on the lectures

Paolo Stramba-Badiale

Peter Philippson

Jan Roubal



Part 2

Beyond Trauma: a psychoanalytic perspective

Keynote speakers: Susanna Federici, Gianni Nebbiosi

Monica Botelho Alvim

Questions & Answers


Beyond Trauma: a Phenomenological-Gestalt Perspective  

Keynote speakers: Michela Gecele, Gianni Francesetti

Discussant: Carlo Carapellese

Questions & Answers


Panel of discussion on the lectures

Dan Bloom

Maria Tammone

Lika Queiroz  


Part 3 

Discussion of a Clinical Case

Clinical case presented by Antonino Costanzo

Discussant: Sandra Toribio Caballero

Discussant: Giovanni Salonia


Discussion of a Clinical Case

Clinical case presented by Miek van Dongen

Discussant: Hazel Ipp

Discussant: Michael Vincent Miller


Small groups sharing

Conclusions: Julianne Appel-Opper, Inna Didkovska, Miriam Munoz Polit, Carmen Vazquez Bandin, Susanna Federici, Gianni Francesetti, Michela Gecele, Gianni Nebbiosi




Welcome and opening remarks 

 Trauma in the History of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy 

  • Keynote speaker: Paolo Migone
  • Discussant: Bernd Bocian
  • Questions & Answers

Trauma in Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

  • Keynote speaker: Beatrice Beebe
  • Discussant: Lynne Jacobs
  • Questions & Answers
Gianni Francesetti
Susanna Federici
Gianni Nebbiosi
Michela Gecele
Paolo Migone
Bernd Bocian
Beatrice Beebe
Lynne Jacobs
Durata Modulo
4h 15m
Panel of discussion on the lectures
  • Paolo Stramba-Badiale
  • Peter Philippson
  • Jan Roubal
Paolo Stramba - Badiale
Peter Philippson
Jan Roubal
Durata Modulo
2h 00m
Beyond Trauma: a psychoanalytic perspective
  • Keynote speakers: Susanna Federici, Gianni Nebbiosi
  • Discussant: Monica Botelho Alvim
  • Questions & Answers
Susanna Federici
Gianni Nebbiosi
Monica Botelho Alvim
Durata Modulo
1h 45m
Beyond Trauma: a Phenomenological-Gestalt Perspective
  • Keynote speakers: Michela Gecele, Gianni Francesetti
  • Discussant: Carlo Carapellese
  • Questions & Answers
Michela Gecele
Gianni Francesetti
Carlo Carapellese
Durata Modulo
1h 45m
Day 2 | Panel of discussion on the lectures
  • Dan Bloom
  •  Maria Tammone
  • Lika Queiroz  
Dan Bloom
Maria Tammone
Lika Queiroz
Durata Modulo
2h 15m
Day 3 | Discussion of a Clinical Case
  • Clinical case presented by Antonino Costanzo
  • Discussant: Sandra Toribio Caballero
  • Discussant: Giovanni Salonia


Antonino Costanzo
Sandra Toribio Caballero
Giovanni Salonia
Durata Modulo
1h 30m
Day 3 | Discussion of a Clinical Case
  • Clinical case presented by Miek van Dongen
  • Discussant: Hazel Ipp
  • Discussant: Michael Vincent Miller
Miek van Dongen
Hazel Ipp
Michael Vincent Miller
Durata Modulo
3h 15m
Day 3 | Conclusions

With Julianne Appel-Opper, Inna Didkovska, Miriam Munoz Polit, Carmen Vazquez Bandin, Susanna Federici, Gianni Francesetti, Michela Gecele, Gianni Nebbiosi

Gianni Francesetti
Michela Gecele
Susanna Federici
Gianni Nebbiosi
Carmen Vazquez Bandin
Inna Didkovska
Miriam Munoz Pulit
Julianne Appel-Opper
Durata Modulo
1h 30m
Gianni Francesetti
MD, Psychiatrist, Gestalt therapist, Adjunt Professor of Phenomenological and Existential Approach, Dep. of Psychology, University of Torino (Italy), international trainer and supervisor, he has published widely on psychotherapy and psychopathology, exploring original approaches to understanding… continua
Michela Gecele
Michela Gecele, MD, Psychiatrist and Gestalt Therapist, trained in Cultural Anthropology. International Trainer and Supervisor, she published books, articles and chapters on themes of psycho-therapy and psychopathology, exploring clinical suffering from a contextual, phenomenological and Gestalt… continua
Gianni Nebbiosi
- Founding member and President ISIPSÉ - Institute for Specialization in Psychoanalytic Psychology of the Self and Relational Psychoanalysis - Founding Member and Executive Board ISIPSÉ School of Psychotherapy - (Rome, Milan) - Founding Member and Board IARPP - International Association for… continua
Susanna Federici
- Founding and Executive member ISIPSÉ (Institute for Specialization in Self and Relational Psychoanalysis) - President IARPP (International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy) - Past-Member Board IAPSP (International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology)
Paolo Migone
Paolo Migone specialized in psychiatry both in Italy and in the United States, where he also trained in psychoanalysis. He is co-editor of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane  and co-chair of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group (Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Massachusetts). He founded the… continua
Bernd Bocian
German psychotherapist (PtG) and Gestalt-therapist (DVG). He was also trained in psychoanalytic therapy an Reichian body work and Character Analysis. He worked as a psychotherapist, counselor and educator in private practise, counseling offices (for families, young people, victim-offender mediation… continua
Beatrice Beebe
Beatrice Beebe Ph.D. is Clinical Professor of Psychology (in Psychiatry), College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatric Institute. She directs a basic research lab on mother-infant communication. She is faculty… continua
Lynne Jacobs
Lynne Jacobs, Ph.D., lives in two psychotherapy worlds. She teaches and trains gestalt therapists world-wide. She is co-founder of the Pacific Gestalt Institute and also a training and supervising analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis. She is co-editor (with Rich Hycner), of The… continua
Paolo Stramba - Badiale
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst. Coordinator of the Milan Center ISIPSé (Institute for Specialization in Self Psychology and Relational Psychoanalysis). Head of the Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Training. Lecturer and Supervisor of the ISIPSé School of Psychotherapy. Member… continua
Peter Philippson
M.Sc. (Gestalt Psychotherapy) is a UKCP Registered Gestalt psychotherapist and trainer, a Teaching and Supervising Member of the Gestalt Psychotherapy & Training Institute UK, a founder member of Manchester Gestalt Centre, Full Member of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, Senior… continua
Jan Roubal
Jan Roubal, MD, PhD, is an associate professor at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, where he also works in the Center for Psychotherapy Research. He works as a psychotherapist and psychiatrist. He founded the Training in Psychotherapy Integration and the training Gestalt Studia in the… continua
Monica Botelho Alvim
Mônica BOTELHO ALVIM, (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Gestalt-therapist, trainer and supervisor in private practice. Ph.D. in psychology and postdoctorate in contemporary philosophy from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. President of the Brazilian Association of Gestalt Therapy (ABG). Founding… continua
Carlo Carapellese
Dan Bloom
Dan Bloom JD, LCSW  is a psychotherapist, supervisor, and clinical trainer, and writer in New York City.  He studied with Laura Perls, Isadore From and Richard Kitzler. Dan teaches at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, is guest and adjunct faculty at gestalt therapy institutes worldwide.… continua
Maria Tammone
Lika Queiroz
Master in Social Psychology (UFBA). Specialist in Clinical Psychology (CFP). Professor and supervisor at the Institute of Psychology, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Founder and director of the Institute of Gestalt-therapy of Bahia. She was part of the first group of Gestalt-therapists in Brazil, in… continua
Antonino Costanzo
Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist and art therapist specializing in music therapy. He collaborates with the chair of dynamic psychology at the University of Enna "Kore", is author of several scientific articles of National and International calibration, and also winner of two scientific awards… continua
Sandra Toribio Caballero
General Health Psychologist; PhD in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid) and Psychotherapist accredited by the Spanish Federation of Psychotherapist Associations (FEAP). Specialist in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (Ágora Relacional) and Master in Women and Health (UCM).… continua
User image 693
Giovanni Salonia
Psychotherapist, he is of scientific rector and teacher of the Institute of Gestalt Therapy Kairòs (Rome, Venice, Ragusa) and of the Masters of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart held in Sicily. Currently a lecturer at the LUMSA University in Palermo, the Pontifical Antonianum University… continua
Miek van Dongen
Hazel Ipp
She is a supervisor, teaching analyst and member of the Steering Committee of the ICP (Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Toronto, Canada); she is Past-President and Vice-President of the IARPP (International Association for Relationl Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy); she has been a… continua
Michael Vincent Miller
Dr. Miller is President of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy.  He has practiced and taught Gestalt therapy and couples therapy for more than forty years, for the last twenty in New York City. His own training was with Fritz Perls, Erving Polster, and Isadore From. After ten years of… continua
Julianne Appel-Opper
Julianne Appel-Opper, Certified Psychologist, Reg. Psychodynamic Psychotherapist in Germany, MUKAHPP, Reg. Integrative Gestalt Psychotherapist with the UK Council for Psychotherapy and Supervisor, University of Birmingham, UK. She  developed an approach to relational bodywork within an Integrative… continua
Inna Didkovska
Director of Kyiv Gestalt University (KGU). Psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience (Gestalt therapist, psychodrama therapist, process work therapist). Active member of the European Association of Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP), International Federation… continua
Miriam Munoz Pulit
Myriam Muñoz Polit (1948) is a pioneer of humanistic psychology and Gestalt therapy in Mexico. She received her master's and doctoral degrees in Human Development from the Iberoamerican University. In 1985 he founded the Humanist Institute of Gestalt Psychotherapy in Mexico, of which she is… continua
Carmen Vazquez Bandin
Founder and director of Centro de Terapia y Psicología (Madrid - Spain). Clinical psychologist, Gestalt psychotherapist, international trainer and supervisor. Honorary member of the Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy (AETG), full member and supervisor of the European Association of Gestalt… continua
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