Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy

State of the art of Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy


Saturday June 8 - Sunday June 9, 2024
from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm UTC + 2 time



Conference chairmen

Susan M. Knell e Maria A. Geraci  

Scientific committee

Ornella Argento

Carlo Baldari

Marco Cavallo

Meena Dasari

Didem Altay


The theme of this first International Conference is Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy: a psychotherapeutic approach focused on preschool and school-age children and their parents. It is important to address emerging psychological distress in young children through psychotherapy. This approach aims to engage children with various problems directly in therapy by integrating cognitive and behavioral interventions into the play therapy paradigm.
Cognitive-behavioral play therapy, known internationally as Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (CBPT), proposes a conceptual framework that integrates the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy with the therapeutic power of play, making them sensitive and appropriate to the child's developmental level. 
By designing specific play therapy interventions for preschool and school children, CBT therapy also becomes accessible for the 3-8 age group, facilitating the child's direct involvement in therapy and stimulating his or her active role in the process of change.
Through a structured intervention, the psychotherapist recreates situations from the child's life and uses modeling, role-playing, desensitization, and other empirically supported CBT techniques to help the child modify dysfunctional modes of thinking and change his or her behavior.
Implementing play therapy to developmental cognitive-behavioral therapy helps children benefit from psychotherapy that might otherwise be inaccessible to them.
Play therapy research to date has largely supported the effectiveness of play therapy in a wide range of social, emotional, behavioral, and learning problems.

This conference aims to expand and update current knowledge on this psychotherapeutic approach in light of the ever-increasing needs of children with psychological problems. In addition, broadening the CBPT research base is important to the clinical and scientific community.

The Scientific Committee will open a "Call for Papers" that will encourage submissions targeting the themes of the congress.








eCampus University Rector Emeritus Prof. Enzo Siviero,
UNICEF delegate Valentina Zerini

President's presentation M.A. Geraci, S. Knell

Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (Chairman: Maria A. Geraci)  

10.00 - 11.00 | Susan Knell: Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy “The History of Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy 

11.00 – 11.30 | Coffee break

11.30 –12.00 | Meena Dasari: Clinical Application of Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy for Social Anxiety 

12.00 – 12.30 | Francesca Romana D'Angelo: The Puppet Sentence Completion Task  

12.30 – 13.00 | Adriana Lis, Claudia Mazzeschi, Daniela Di Riso, Elisa Del Vecchio: The use of Sandra Russ' Affective Play Scale in Italy: history, developments and research and clinical applications

13.00 - 13.30 | Jaqueline B. Toner: The use of Workbooks in Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy

Lunch break - Poster Session  
13.30 - 14.30 | Box meals prepared by IPSIASAR Pellegrino Artusi



Cognitive behavioral play interventions in school, rehabilitation and hospital settings (Chairman: Ornella Argento)  

14.30 – 15.00 | Maria A. Geraci: Effects of a cognitive behavioral play intervention in school settings

15.00 – 15.30 | Martina Paola Zanaboni: The effects of a cognitive behavioral play intervention on the quality of life of children with epilepsy syndromes with onset in childhood

15.30 - 16.00 | Karla Fehr: Application of a cognitive behavioral play intervention to pediatric populations

15.00 – 16.30 | Coffee break

16.30 - 17.00 | Sandra Russ: Pretend Play Research Findings: Implications for Clinical Practice 

17.00 – 17.30 | Eva Feindler: Playful approaches to CBT with aggressive children: using the Turtle Magic program

17.30 - 18.00 | Andrea Meana de la Vega: Cognitive-Behavioural Play Training: the use of play in cognitive rehabilitation




Theoretical approaches to Play Therapy: comparisons and contrasts (Chairman: Maria A. Geraci)  

9.00 – 9.30 | Didem Altay: Child Centered Play Therapy

9.30 – 10.00 | Giandomenico Bagatin: Gestalt Play Therapy  

10.00 – 10.30 | Coffee break 

10.30 – 11.00 | Gianluca Biggio: The use of play in a psychodynamic perspective 

11.00 – 11.30 | Francesco Montecchi: Sandplay Therapy  

11.30 - 12.00 | Maria A. Geraci: Differences and similarities between different approaches to play therapy

12.00 - 12.30 | Didem Altay: Integrated Play Therapy: utilizing CCPT, CBPT and EMDR approaches in working with children

12.30 - 13.00 | Sandra Pimentel: Creative CBPT with school-age children

Lunch break - Poster Session  
13.00 - 14.30 | Box meals prepared by IPSIASAR Pellegrino Artusi


Cognitive Behavioral therapy in childhood (Chairman: Marco Cavallo)  

14.30 – 15.30 | Roberta Bacchio, Roberta Rubbino, Rosetta Cappelluccio: Symposium - Play and cognitive behavioural therapy: general characteristics, need satisfaction, emotional regulation and trauma processing

15.30 – 16.00 | Coffee break 

16.00 – 16.30 | Francesca Pergolizzi: Acceptance Commitment Therapy e Play Therapy. A new perspective

16.30 – 17.00 | Liana Lowenstein: Creative Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy Techniques for Children with Anxiety

17.00 - 17.30 | Elizabeth J. Short:The Relationship between Play and Executive Functioning Skills in Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Preschoolers  

17.30 - 18.00 | Robert D. Friedberg: Integrating improvisational theatre exercises into CBT with youth

18.00 | Closing works

Institutional Greetings - Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy
Maria A. Geraci
Susan Knell
Meena Dasari
Francesca Romana D'Angelo
Jacqueline B. Toner
Durata Modulo
1h 00m
Cognitive behavioral play interventions in school, rehabilitation and hospital settings
Maria A. Geraci
Martina Paola Zanaboni
Karla Fehr
Sandra Russ
Durata Modulo
1h 00m
Theoretical approaches to Play Therapy: comparisons and contrasts
Didem Altay
Giandomenico Bagatin
Gianluca Biggio
Francesco Montecchi
Maria A. Geraci
Sandra Pimentel
Durata Modulo
0h 30m
Cognitive Behavioral therapy in childhood
Francesca Pergolizzi
Liana Lowestein
Elizabeth J. Short
Robert D. Friedberg
Durata Modulo
0h 30m
Poster Session
Maria A. Geraci
She holds a Specialization in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy from the Humanitas School of Specialization in Rome (LUMSA University). He has a University Specialization in Psychological Assessment from Sapienza University of Rome and a Master's Degree in Play Therapy from International Academy… continua
Susan Knell
She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Case Western University and her master's degree in Developmental Psychology from The Ohio State University. She is the author of the internationally known book "Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy" (Jason Aronson, 1993) published in Italian in… continua
Meena Dasari
She specializes in the practical applications of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to effectively treat anxiety symptoms, especially in complex cases. Dr. Dasari's professional background has led her to develop a solid foundation of evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatments. For more than 10… continua
Francesca Romana D'Angelo
Graduated in Clinical Life Cycle Psychology from LUMSA University in Rome and is currently a psychotherapist in integrated CBT training in childhood and adolescence. She furthered her studies by obtaining a Level II University Master's Degree in Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment at… continua
Jacqueline B. Toner
Retired clinical psychologist and award-winning author of books for children and adolescents. She has practiced clinical psychology for more than 30 years in the Baltimore area. In her practice, she provided individual therapy and psychoeducational evaluations to children, adolescents and young… continua
Martina Paola Zanaboni
Professional psychologist and cognitive rehabilitator according to the Feuerstein method. She is a trainer of the Benso integrated cognitive method. She holds a master's degree in "neuropsychological assessment and treatment of DSA" inter-university from the University of the Republic of San Marino… continua
Karla Fehr
Associate professor in the counseling psychology program in Education, Health, & Behavior Studies and works as part of UND's Behavioral Health Strategic Initiative. She is a clinical psychologist with expertise in pediatric psychology and pediatric integrated behavioral health. Her research… continua
Sandra Russ
Clinical child psychologist. She earned a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Pittsburgh and specialized in child psychology during her internship at the Pittsburgh Child Guidance Center. She spent a year in Denver as a counselor in schools and then spent four years at the University… continua
Didem Altay
She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. She later earned a master's degree in clinical psychology with highest honors and is currently pursuing a doctorate in counseling psychology at Marmara University, focusing her research on early childhood… continua
Giandomenico Bagatin
Psychologist, psychotherapist, writer and lecturer at psychotherapy institutes and schools in Italy, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Georgia. He provides psychotherapy, personal growth and coaching for adults, couples and children in Trieste… continua
Gianluca Biggio
Psychologist and Psychotherapist. Member of E.F.P.P., European Federation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Ordinary Member with Training Functions and former Scientific Secretary of SIPP (Italian Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy), Professor of Psychology University of Tuscia of Viterbo, has… continua
Francesco Montecchi
Neuropsychiatrist, former head of Neuropsychiatry-Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome. Francesco Montecchi uses the sand game in his work as a therapist; he learned this method directly from its originator, Jung's student Dora Kalff. Lecturer a.c. at La Sapienza. and "Tor Vergata" universities… continua
Sandra Pimentel
PhD, is chief of child and adolescent psychology, associate director of psychology training and associate professor of clinical psychology in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She is founder and director of the… continua
Martina Manzoni
Psychologist, cognitive-relational psychotherapist and EMDR practitioner. A researcher at IRCCS E. Medea - Our Family, she coordinates the studies of the psychopharmacology outpatient clinic. Since 2017 she has worked for EMDR Italy and is part of the association's Psychological Emergency Task… continua
Liana Lowestein
MSW, RSW, CPT-S, is a registered social worker, certified play therapist and certified TF-CBT therapist who has been working with children and their families in Toronto since 1988. Her 14 books are used by mental health professionals around the world. She is a dynamic speaker who has given… continua
Elizabeth J. Short
Director of the Master's Program of Early Development and Intervention. She is currently principal investigator of the ALERT (Attention, Learning, and Emotion Regulation Team) laboratory. Her research has focused primarily on understanding the processes underlying cognitive, social, and emotional… continua
Robert D. Friedberg
Professor and head of the children's specialty area at Palo Alto University. He is recognized as a leading expert in the application of Aaron T. Beck's cognitive therapy model aimed at children. He directed the CBT clinic for children and adolescents and the psychology residency program at Penn… continua
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Conference presentation by Dr Knell