Scientific Direction: DANIEL GIUNTI
33 hours of training
20 international speakers
Access to recordings for 12 months
Simultaneous translation
The conference will present an overview of the various topics and scientific evidence on sexuality and relationships in their many facets.
A panel of national and international experts will present the state of the art on the subject, enriching it with contributions from their own scientific research and clinical and professional activities.
The topics covered will range from homophobia among professionals to the international view on topics such as gender fluidity, sexual addiction, desire, sexual fantasies and much more. We will also see what correlations there are between the psychic relationship and sexuality and between emotional dependency and betrayal situations.
The aim of the conference is therefore to provide professionals with up-to-date knowledge, enabling them to approach their clinical practice with greater awareness and competence.
First Module
Treatments of sexual dysfunctions
Davide Dèttore, Psychologist and psychotherapist, is Full Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Health Sciences - University of Florence.
Affective dependence in the situation of betrayal
Fabiano Bassi, Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, has collaborated with the journal "Psychotherapy and Human Sciences", author of numerous articles and essays
Psychotherapy and homosexuality: microaggressions in clinical contexts
Vittorio Lingiardi, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is Full Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Cristina Critelli, Gynaecologist, Psychotherapist and Sexologist
Gender diagnosis in ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR
Jack Drescher, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, DSM-5 reviewer for the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria
Psychological and sexological work with prostate cancer patients
Gaia Polloni, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Sexologist. Trainer at Schools of Specialisation
Fluidity in gender and sexual expression
Lisa Diamond, psychologist and feminist. Professor of Developmental and Health Psychology at the University of Utah.
Second Module
Sexual pain
Alessandra Graziottin, Specialist in Gynaecology-Obstetrics and Oncology, Psychotherapist in Sexology, is Director of the Centre of Gynaecology and Medical Sexology at H.. San Raffaele Resnati in Milan.
Psychic relationship and sexuality, what correlations?
Umberta Telfener, Clinical Psychologist, is lecturer in epistemology and systems theory at the School of Specialisation in Health Psychology at the University of Rome La Sapienza.
Recession and sexual fluidity in adolescence
Matteo Lancini, Psychologist and psychotherapist. President of the "Minotauro" Foundation in Milan. Lecturer at the Department of Psychology of the University Milano-Bicocca and the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of Milan.
Sexual addiction: a modern cultural myth
David Ley, clinical psychologist and author, known for his critical stance on sex addiction, author of the bestseller "The Myth of Sexual Addiction"
The science of sexual fantasy and desire
Justin Lehmiller, social psychologist and author. Fellow at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute, one of America's leading popularizers on the subject of sexology through blogs, podcasts, books, and star of the series "Sex, Explained!" on Netflix
A biopsychosocial approach to the female orgasm
Marcus Bat Sheva, certified sex therapist and clinical director of Maze Women's Health, popular populariser
Alessia di Bari, Sexologist and couples psychotherapist, specialist in brief strategic therapy and family constellations. PhD in Humanistic Sexology. Anti-fatphobia, body diversity and fat acceptance activist.
Third Module
Affective addictions today: from diagnostic proposals to possible intervention protocols
Paolo Antonelli, Ph.D., Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Clinical Sexologist; expert in affective, relational and sexual addictions
Sexual addiction
Emiliano Lambiase, Psychologist and psychotherapist, coordinator of the Institute of Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy in Rome
Women perpetrators of abuse
Loredana Petrone, Psychologist and psychotherapist, Italy's leading expert on the topic of abused women, lecturer in the teaching of social medicine, legal medicine and psychological treatment of minors, at the "Sapienza" University of Rome
New scenarios on couple's sexuality: the importance of transgression
Fabrizio Quattrini, Psychologist, Sexologist, Psychotherapist, Lecturer in Clinic of Paraphilias and Deviance at the Faculty of Psychology, University of L'Aquila
The meaning of sexual fantasies and their use in psychotherapy
Michael Bader, Psychoanalyst, member of the renowned San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group (SFPRG), author of the bestseller "Arousal. The secret logic of sexual fantasies".
Origin and potential treatment of paraphilias
Jim Pfaus, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, Department of Psychology and Life Sciences, Charles University, Prague; and researcher, Czech National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany.
Sexual Betrayal and Abuse of Boys and Men
Richard Gartner, Training and Supervising Analyst & Founding Director of Sexual Abuse Service
Does the precocialization of childhood experiences lead to debuts in sexuality earlier or later than in previous generations? Are adolescents still interested in sex? Has interpenetrating each other's bodies become secondary to interpenetrating each other's minds, in a society where being thought of and "living" in the minds of the peers increasingly matters? Is fluidity in choices a signal of discomfort or a new normality? From these questions, some reflections will be proposed around the theme of the relationship entertained by today's adolescents with their bodies, sexuality and others.
The presentation will provide an approach to fatphobia: what is it? and the four aspects of fatphobia: Fat shaming, diet culture, thin privilege and weight stigma. Furthermore, why is it important to increase awareness about this topic? In the end, the presentation will focus on the impact fatphobia has on the relationship with patients and how to work with them.
This presentation is aimed to define and critically analyze the various proposals for diagnosing the different expressions of affective and relational addictions, from romantic addictions to family, friendship and professional addictions. It will also explain the main etiological and progression hypotheses currently found in the scientific literature of psychological orientation, finally leading to a description of the most recent intervention protocol proposals for individual, dyadic or group treatment of the various affective addictions.
The presentation aims to help clinicians understand sexual addiction beyond the diagnostic framework, taking into account the patient's motivational systems and interpersonal cycles, and providing insights for psychotherapeutic intervention.
Recent years have witnessed an important transformation in the erotic-sexual sphere. Both from a scientific point of view and in terms of cultural change, sexuality seems to be moving towards a freer dimension, freed from taboos and false beliefs.
Couples, or at any rate relational experiences in the sexual sphere, are discovering the playful and gratifying side of transgression. How capable are partners of representing this transformation, avoiding the risk of weakening and misunderstandings?
Living and expressing emotions, representing, communicating and validating the experience, even atypical, of eroticism are some of the aspects that clinicians should not underestimate during the pathways of growth and restructuring of the self in the couple. Allowing a new vision of eroticism and sexuality can only confirm the constructive and functional thinking of sexpositivity.
- Recordings available for 12 months from purchase
- All materials are downloadable